First you should identify some famous psychologists who wrote about personality theory. You may be able to choose some psychologists whom you've learned about in class. You can also try Googling like this: famous personality theorists
Once you have chosen one or more psychologists, go to our database APA PsycArticles. Set up your search using the psychologist's name; also set the pulldown menu at right to "AU author."
Here's an example:
Set up your search like that, then click the Search button, and you'll see full-text articles written by the author. You may have to try several psychologists' names before you get good results--not every personality theorist is in the APA PsycArticles database.
Also try searching like that in our APA PsycInfo database. In APA PsycInfo, after you've clicked Search and see your results, limit the results to full-text articles only by checking the box on the left-hand side:
To find general information about a psychologist, try searching for them in our database Gale Ebooks:
Gale Ebooks contains information about famous psychologists (not books written by them). Information in Gale Ebooks can help you learn about a psychologist's contributions to personality theory or other areas. You can also Google the psychologists name: when Googling, select trustworthy websites to use.
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