Removing duplicates from EBSCO databases (e.g., Academic Search Ultimate, APA PsycINFO, Business Search Ultimate)
Duplicates aren't removed until you reach the last page of your search results. So to see the total number of unique results for your search, you can page through your results until you get to the last page of results. When you get to that page, the duplicate records will automatically be removed and you'll see the number of unique results for your search, as noted at
Duplicates won't be permanently removed when you reach the last page of your search results, though; if you return to earlier pages of your result set, your results will include duplicates again.
To save a de-duped set of search results, you can export your search results from EBSCO, since the exported results will not include duplicates. Instructions for exporting your results can be found at Exporting search results.
Removing duplicates from ProQuest databases (e.g., ABI/INFORM Collection, Dissertations and Theses Global, Healthcare Administration Database, News & Newspapers)
To remove duplicates from any ProQuest database, scroll down on the advanced search page and click on the Result page options link to see additional options for limiting your search results and then check the box next to Exclude duplicate documents.
Removing duplicates across multiple databases
To remove duplicates across multiple databases, you can export all of your search results into a bibliographic management system such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, RefWorks, etc. and then use that system's de-duping feature to remove duplicates from your combined result set.
Important note: Since no de-duping system is perfect, some duplicates may still remain in your result set regardless of which system you use for de-duping. You may need to manually review results in order to ensure that your results contain no duplicates.
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