Answered By: Robert Miller
Last Updated: Feb 08, 2024     Views: 3053

A research study is an article where the authors describe an experiment they conducted. The article will have a structure with headings like this:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Literature Cited

A research study with an intervention is an experiment where the authors/researchers do something to the subjects of the experiment (animals or humans). For example, an intervention could be giving lab mice a drug; or an intervention could be having people do exercise. The authors/researchers then measure the results of the intervention and publish the experiment as an article.

To find a research study with an intervention, a good library database to use is Academic Search Ultimate. That database contains many research studies, with interventions, on a wide variety of topics.

Search in Academic Search Ultimate with keywords pertaining to a topic you're interested in, for example:

"vegan diet" AND health

With that search, one of the articles you'd find is a research study where the intervention is that the authors had patients follow a vegan diet for one month, to see how that would affect the patients' health.

It might also help to do a search like this, specifically with the keyword intervention

vegan AND intervention 

The articles you find will be highly technical and difficult to read, but by reviewing them carefully, you should be able to pick out the one or two main ideas or pertinent facts to use in your paper.

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