Answered By: John Coogan
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2023     Views: 216

When you click on PDF Full Text or EPUB full text, do you just see a blank screen where the content should be?  

1) Check to see if you have third party cookies enabled. 
These are required to display content for our EBSCO resources.  Click this link to find out if they are enabled:
Third-party cookies test, click here 

2) Not enabled?  
See how to enable cookies and make sure you update the settings so that your browser allows third party cookies.    Then try accessing the ebook or article again and see if it now appears.  

3) If this did not resolve the issue
You can try ebooks in another browser (for example, if you are using Chrome, try Firefox or Edge or Safari) and see if the content displays properly there.

Please contact the library if you still cannot access content.